Left to Right: Kolt, Stephanie, Deborah, Mary Rose, Luke

Left to Right: Kolt, Stephanie, Deborah, Mary Rose, Luke


  • The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Masters of Divinity, School of Theology, Pastoral Track

  • University of Wyoming, Bachelor’s of Science in Economics with Spanish minor.

Luke Raczykowski

Quick Intro: Christ Follower, Husband, Father, Musician, Goofball

Nickname: "Speedy Gonzales" or "Puny Polish Pastor" (Take your pick.)

Ministry Role: Lead Pastor

Family: My stunning wife, Stephanie (Married June 21, 1997); our daughters, Mary Rose and Deborah; and son, Kolt

Dream Vacation: It's hard to beat a day at Disney with my family.  Also, a tour of Israel.

Regular Order at Starbucks: In my whole life, I have drunk only one cup of coffee. I was with my dad, fishing on the Platte River, on the 4th of July, in a snowstorm. The coffee was terrible, but the memory is classic! I do, however, appreciate a good chai latte.

Life Motto: The Great Commandments and Great Commission

Favorite Movie: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Favorite Scripture: "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery" (Galatians 5:1).

Things That Fascinate Me: The unfathomable depths of God's Word.  Also, fireworks.

One Thing Most People Don't Know About Me: I am an extreme night owl.

Favorite Singer/Band: Jimmy Needham, Steven Curtis Chapman, Keith & Kristyn Getty

When & Where I Got Saved: Camp WYOBA (a Baptist Camp in Wyoming), July 21, 1994

Sports I Am NOT Good At: Swimming. I don't float... at all.

Least Favorite Food: Mushrooms. Fungus is not food.

Thing That Makes Me Cry: Cinderella (the song by Steven Curtis Chapman, not the movie).  Singing gospel-rich songs in corporate worship.

People Who Inspire Me: My kids, selfless church members, and my mom.

Life-Changing Moment: Meeting my wife Stephanie.

Favorite Books (in addition to the Bible): Love Your God With All Your Mind (J.P. Moreland), Holiness (J.C. Ryle), Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis)

Quirks: There are too many to list, but most of them involve embarrassing my family in public.

In My Spare Time: Spending time with family, playing guitar, songwriting, watching movies

Hidden Talent: Speaking in a wide variety of accents: It drives my family and the Bay Street staff crazy!

The Most Exotic Place I've Ever Been: Does the Jungle Cruise at Magic Kingdom count?  If not, then Israel or Hawaii.

The Most Adventurous Thing I've Ever Done: Cliff jumping... Not recommended

Least Favorite Thing To Do: Waste time.